What do you gain

Emapa Web Router routes planner for trucks

From the first day of testing Emapa Web Router you will experience significant benefits for your business, including i.a.:

  • You will find the real costs of your transport (including toll rates in Europe) so forecasting the cost will be close to reality
  • You will determine the optimal delivery routes thereby saving time and money
  • You do not have to worry about the maps update and the toll rates. We deal with it for you.
  • You will gain an access to the intuitive software that runs in a web browser, without installing anything on your computer. Access from anywhere on the Internet
  • You can manage access to Web Emapa Router for your employees by giving them their own accounts
  • You choose convenient for you payment system subscription, depending on your preference
  • You will gain instant access to the current road network (we show/hide roads open/closed)
  • You can always send us your attention to the map, and we after verification, will place on the appropriate changes


Starts from 99 PLN


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